Pull Your Head Out Of Your Ass And Good Things Will Happen
Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 10:50PM
Justice Mitchell in Advertising, Business, CDC, Content, clever, funny, smart, whitty, zombie

Today I saw that the CDC put together a page for the zombie apocalypse. Even better, they give you the option to put banners on your blog or website. As many of you know I'm the zombie apocalypse, crazy conspiracy guy. I'm over the moon landing, (thank you very much Mythbusters) but I still say that we didn't kill Bin Laden and we have him tucked safely in basement somewhere with a car battery strapped to his testicles, and I'll sleep OK knowing that.

THE POINT IS THIS, they marketed zombies as the CDC! THAT'S EPIC! The hook "To learn more about what CDC does to prepare for and respond to emergencies of all kinds, visit:http://emergency.cdc.gov/cdc/orgs_progs.asp" The message treated the general public's need for entertainment but treated them with enough respect to know it was a funny way from them to gather real and effective content. I applaud great thinking like this. Well done.

To learn more about what the CDC is doing with social media go here.

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Article originally appeared on Social Media Marketing Blog Professional (http://justicemitchell.squarespace.com/).
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