Part One: Things That Suck Now That Didn't Use To
Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 10:37AM
Justice Mitchell in Fashion Cents, Technology, Trends, cool, music, things that suck, trends, video

Here's a little list* that I complied of things that I think are not nearly as good as the past two (even three) decades. This is of course my opinion, but it's my blog so piss off. But seriously the "craft" of so many things has just failed us as a society, as we readily are willing to digest any crap because we're to lazy to make anything better. So here goes:

*This list was graciously compiled via my friends, fans and followers! I want to thank everyone that participated - now stay tuned for "Part Two: What's Awesome Now That Use To Suck!"

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear what you'd add to the list! Pass this along to your people 'in the know' and have them tell me what they think. All my best ~

Article originally appeared on Social Media Marketing Blog Professional (
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