Learning From History: 20 Years Of Mistakes 
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 8:40AM
Justice Mitchell in Business, Management, Process, Soapbox, advice, education, failures, learning, mentor, mistakes, past

There's no chronological order to the countless mistakes that I've made over the last twenty years, nor I'm sure the same will be said for the next twenty years. Many of you will look at this list and laugh and think "what a fool." Others of you know that this industry, having been building site since 1994, had no rules, no manuals, no "best practice," just a lot of us 'winging it' and hoping we would make something great. We were, as we are all today digital pioneers. You say, well it's not like that today. In some cases you're right and in others not at all.


The reason why so many of us stay in this crazy mixed-up industry is that we first and foremost thrive on change. We get excited about new tools, new apps and new channels that we can explore. We use this exploration as a way to challenge all the projects before us. And in so doing we set ourselves up to stumble and fall as much as we succeed. My only advice is smile, dust yourself off, be humble and keep going and always remember everyone is smarter than you (in something) and to listen, engage and you need to keep up.

Care to exorcise and demons and chime in, or are you one of the perfect ones that has no flaws? I think it's important to stay humble and always learn from what we do. What are you thoughts? Comment and share below, I'd love to hear from you!

Article originally appeared on Social Media Marketing Blog Professional (http://justicemitchell.squarespace.com/).
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