Two Decades of Suicidal Thoughts: A Client Love Story
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 9:11AM
Justice Mitchell in Advertising, LOL, LOL, Soapbox, Storytelling, aggravating, anger, client, comments, funny, venting

Think back to your first real job. Remember that one old-timer who had all the great stories? 

I don’t mean the bitter guy who wore a tie with his dandruff-covered short-sleeved shirt, and referred to upper management as “The Gestapo.”

I mean the funny dude who seemed to know his shit, but also had a million great stories about the industry. He knew every client, went to all the trade shows – and talked about flying on airlines like Eastern and Pan Am. Back when they served real meals. In coach.

It doesn’t matter what you do for a living. If you’ve been in the same industry for 20 years, then you’ve heard some pretty funny things.

And what occurred to me recently is that I’m now THAT guy.

NO! Not Creepy Dandruff Guy.

I’m Funny Story Guy.

As many of you know, I use a Swiss Army knife within the context of my personal brand. The thought behind that imagery is that because I've touched so many different media channels, strategies, techniques, and creative personalities, I’ve evolved into a sort of marketing multi-tool. 

The result is that I’ve probably heard ten times the number of wacky statements and questions in meetings, on sets, in comment threads, and everywhere else that advertising and marketing people gather.

So let the fun begin!


Article originally appeared on Social Media Marketing Blog Professional (
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