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15 Quick Steps For Building Your Social Graph

I'm not going to lie – building your social empire takes time. It's a marathon and not sprint. But as with all things there are things you can do right and wrong. Why take the time to make the mistakes I've already made, when I can give you some quick tips to get you started!

  1. Make sure you are using the same Avatar across all your social channels.
  2. Vet your twitter list. Toss out inactive players, and trolls.
  3. Add your twitter name to services like wefollow.com
  4. Establish your klout.com account and give out K+ shout-outs to active SME's and followers everyday.
  5. Get tweetdeck or hootsuite for your mobile phone and hook-up all your primary social channels there. USE IT and accent your tweets & message with mobile photos for greater conversation.
  6. Start re-tweeting SME's and followers that have great content to share.
  7. To get great content to RT or research look at Mashable.com and AllTop.com. (Given that you have similar interests and industry directives to me.)
  8. Start a Google+ account and take time to create a lot of 'circles' for filtering and messaging purposes.
  9. Prepare for Facebook to do something weird with your contacts and import them over to another service to have access to them in more than one place.
  10. Update your linkedin resume and content. Download the mobile app for linkedin. Take time and connect to your peers and clients. Vet or join groups that are relevant groups to your industry.
  11. Start using (or reusing) some location based smart phone apps like Foursquare, GoWalla & SCVNGR.
  12. Establish and research social music applications like Spotify, LAST.fm & Ping.fm.
  13. When writing more personal tweets and posts make sure your asking your friends, fans and followers general 'real life' questions that everyone can participate in. Things like – When you where a kid what was your most memorable vacation? Questions like these are not industry specific and are genuinely fun and will insight participation.
  14. When posting content to a given channel be sure to give the audience links to connect to you in other places such as Quora, Google+, linkedin and so on. Make it easy to get connected too. Also see Fullyfollow.com – to make it even easier!
  15. Link your social graph together. If you have a new post, photo, video, presentation (or whatever), link and tell everyone about it with your other channels.

What other tips do you have? What do you find has rendered you big increases in fans & followers? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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