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The Science Of Blogging: Dan Zarrella

Dan Zarrella is an award-winning social, search, and viral marketing scientist and author of the O’Reilly Media book “The Social Media Marketing Book“. He has a background in web development and combines his programming capabilities with a passion for social marketing to study social media behavior from a data-backed position and teach marketers scientifically grounded best practices.

Key takeaways for me:

  • LIWC - linguistics content
  • Sex & Positivity sell
  • Self referential content is not retweeted
  • People like your "insight & opinions"

DO NOT blog about yourself

  • People link to video; people do not tend link to photos
  • Comments more on photos, less on video
  • Words like: "Recent, insight, soon, answers" - people like to link to your personal opinion
  • Ask for comments to your blog posts - incentivize comments


  • Most retweetable words - YOU (how can I help you)
  • Sharable words - Why, how and most
  • Least viewed words – franchise, episode (people don't like episodic)
  • Least linked to – boring words
  • Stay way from overly technical jargon
  • Least retweetable words – game, going, LOL, watching (stop talking about yourselves)
  • Facebook is for "Jersey Shore" not for people that understand social media; stay away from dork terms

Grammar matters

  • Facebook content shouldn't be written over a 6th grade level
  • Write simply and plainly; short
  • Like and recommends: The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition
  • "Sheeple" - Social Proof reduces fear of content


  • When should I publish?
  • Publish early in the morning
  • Linking to your content early morning
  • 4PM is more retweetable time
  • Post on Monday for views and links
  • Weekend post get more comments

How often should I post?

  • People want timely content
  • More than one post a day for will overtime increased views and percieved expertise

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